Monday, January 18, 2010

End Of An Era

This blog is dedicated to former contributors of the Dow Jones MarketWatch web site.

I was once a contributor to that site myself.

It was an interesting place in it's time. Allowing people with disparate views on topical issues, (primarily financial), from all walks of life to converse, comment, criticize, and generally blow off steam about issues affecting markets and trading.

Alas, it was too good to be true.

Having achieved high levels of traffic and success, due largely to it's dedicated contributors, the owners of the site could not leave well enough alone.

Instead choosing to institute policies which effectively, surreptitiously served to control the discussion according to their own objectives.

It is my hope that this blog might become an area for others like me who were unnerved by the situation, and would like to maintain connections made during the good times.

I'll also try and comment here about topics that I believe are not being covered adequately in the MSM of Internet financial reporting.

And feel free to suggest your own topics as well. I'll post them as I have time. Credible sources and imaginative headlines will tend to run in your favor.


Today MW refused to publish anything regarding the special election in Massachusetts for Ted Kennedy's former seat.

Although many members wanted to converse regarding the story, there was no publication of a story touching on the subject.

Any mention of the topic was subsequently deleted by the MW administrators - who coincidentally recently instituted a policy allowing all "off topic" commentary to be removed.

The policy effectively strips the members of any ability to discuss topics not deemed worthy of publication by their editorial staff.

Their "solution" is to point people towards group discussion areas, which receive little visibility by comparison to topical stories posted on the main page of the site.

Very 1984 of them, IMHO.

This place is intended to be different.



pumpjack said...

My first comment ever on the site was deleted tonight. Glad to see there is an alternative.

parkcityskier said...

just- We'll see what kind of turn-out your initiative generates. I actually gave up on MW about a month ago and only periodically look at it out of curiousity. I stopped following precisely because MW had turned into a subsidiary of the RNC. Mostly, commenters were more interested in bashing Obama and the Dems than discussing either the subject article or investing. I'd keep posting this link on MW. I'll check back again tomorrow. parkcityskier

justaguymyself said...

We'll see how it goes.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

All deleted MW posts welcome here!

justaguymyself said...

Will have to learn the idiosyncrasies of this site. Right off, no way to edit comments once posted. And no sub-threads in the comments.

justaguymyself said...

Freedom isn't free...

justaguymyself said...,0,7791997.story

Reporting from Boston - In the final moments of a U.S. Senate race that was never expected to be close, Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley crisscrossed Massachusetts on Monday, a day before an election that could alter the fortunes of both major political parties.

At stake is the Democrats' filibuster-proof Senate majority, key to advancing President Obama's agenda. For Republicans, the race offers a chance to demonstrate that the party has rebounded from its catastrophic losses in 2008.

Utah said...

Good idea for the site ... MW was very cool but is driving me nuts with the deletion of posts ... of course, all of the left-wingers love the censorship and lack of dynamic conversation - Wildcandy, ParkCity, ZippyZip, etc ... amazing that MW listens to their drivel especially as many of the most critical posts come from people who are tired of both republicans AND democrats - as am I.

justaguymyself said...

I'll have to rely on the rest of you to publicize. MW probably doesn't care much for me anymore.

Unknown said...

glad i found this link,as I was reading the new comment rules...I have just about quit mw...sad..

JokeHeros said...

thanks for the site. I'm still on the fence about MW but I imagine as more people get censored and drop out, I'll be gone too.

Utah said...

A must read ...

justaguymyself said...

Quite a story Centric. Posted for everyone.